Work health + safety services

Underground Work Rails

Design or redesign

Creating or updating work health + safety documents and systems

Maybe you are developing your WHS management plan or document for the first time, or maybe you’ve got one from years ago, but it’s cumbersome, out of date, or was never really suited to your business in the first place. We can help!


Reducing excess documents and consolidating information to maximise usability

A WHS management system or document isn’t much help if, in the crucial moment when it’s needed, the user must “refer to diagram H in figure C on page 167 of version 5.22(iii)…”! We can help you streamline your documents and system to make them easy to use, and therefore improve your health + safety outcomes.


Ensuring compliance against AS/ISO 45001 or other standards and benchmarks

You want to make sure you aren’t breaching any legislative requirements, or that your WHS management system is in line with best practice. We have the experience and knowledge to help you!

Review and analysis

Identifying trends based on past incidents and investigations, and conducting risk control analysis

For businesses that have been around a while, we can help you identify and mitigate risks, and improve safety practices.

Our clients include:

  • micro and small-to-medium sized businesses
  • contractors, subcontractors, sole traders, tenders
  • trades and construction, government
  • warehousing and logistics companies
  • healthcare providers

Safety Band AMS Consulting WHS OHS